Healthy fastfood breakfast Tips

Healthy breakfast, energetic body, better day 
Breakfast is important-fuel your morning and can help keep hunger at bay so you do not overdo it at lunch. Despite making breakfast at home is ideal, you have more control over the ingredients and you can ensure you have a healthy balanced diet, there are times when you need or want to have breakfast on thumb. Many popular fast food restaurants now offer breakfast sandwiches, which prompted me to study the healthier options (and less healthy).
 Next time you run to the door in the morning without eating something, consider this: Skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating during the day. A healthy morning meal, however, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and lay the foundation for intelligent decisions throughout the day.
I'm in Hurry  
hurry breakfast
Hurry breakfast
One of the most common questions people ask me is "What should I eat for breakfast?" The breakfast is a difficult area, because most of us are usually in a hurry. They want to eat some something strong, fast and healthy. in this article, I have compiled a list of healthy breakfast ideas, which should inspire you to start your day! Some of these ideas are ideal for "on-the-go" and others are good for a weekday morning so slow at home with the family.
Start by smoothie
Smoothies are a great choice if you are in a hurry. You can store fruit bags and frozen vegetables in the freezer, add a little water or 100% juice, nuts or yogurt, I throw in the blender, then take it with you in a cup of coffee covered.

smoothie chokolate breakfast
smoothie chokolate breakfast
smoothie breakfast
smoothie breakfast


Eggs are an excellent choice for breakfast. Eggs provide protein and choline. There are several ways to solve them, and if you do not have time to cook in the morning to make boiled eggs the night before. Kiddos can get eggs from the refrigerator in the morning. Add some fruit, yogurt, or juice to help make a balanced meal.
Favorite source of protein for breakfast is eggs.  

Fresh fruit

healthy fresh fruitFresh fruit is a great choice for a side item for breakfast. Just wash the fruit and hand it out. Kids can eat the fruit at the table or take it with them if they need to leave for school before they finish. And, of course, fruit has so many vitamins and minerals they help make any breakfast nutritious.

Yogurt, Juice & Milk

yagurt breakfastYogurt It helps add dairy, protein, and probiotics which can keep your kiddo's immune system functioning well. A cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein, important for a sense of satisfaction after a meal. Protein helps build strong bones, muscles and immune factors, and is essential to all cells of our body. But most Americans tend to have very little protein during the day, especially at breakfast, which leads to gnaw at 10 am feeling hunger.1Milk also has nine essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium and vitamin D, nutrients that the USDA says Americans do not get enough. Milk is also a good source of vitamin A high quality, magnesium, phosphorus and various vitamins B.
milk breakfast
Milk breakfast
Get these vitamins and minerals early morning means you have a jump start on their nutrient needs for the day. Studies show that those who eat cereal and milk for breakfast regularly receive more nutrients they need that they do not

 The best juice has only juice and water for ingredients, so make sure to made a natural juice.
breakfast natural juice
Breakfast natural juice

cold cereal
Cold cereal

Cold Cereal 

  Cereal is a good choice for breakfast because it's fast and easy. If choosing cereal for breakfast, find one that is low in sugar so that your child doesn't have a sugar crash while testing. Also, giving something else such as juice or fruit on the side or adding some flax seed or chia seed to the cereal will add more nutrients and protein to this breakfast staple.


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 What is your best mela for the breakfast  when you are in hurry ?


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