Life Without Meat

Is It Possible To Exclude Meat From Your Life , Dont Be Chocked, Here Is The Answer !!

There is a theory that people should reduce water consumption, and return to nature in the form of urine, with a composition of acids. And these acids "RAINS" paid by the people, son allegedly harming the environment.
life without meat

There are also discussions about the damage the meat. INCLUDED primary educated person knows that meat is a unique source of iron. Digestibility of the meat iron factor is seven times higher than the factor self spinach, and four times that of the fish.

The only drawback is that the meat contains fat. Grease and fat that different cooking sauces and meat - but if deepen the problem than talking saber acerca fat meat dishes arrive. Lean meat is safe from this point of view.

Another fact is given as evidence to the contrary: Eating regularly meat usually have high levels of cholesterol in the blood. But it really means those who regularly overeat meat.

Moreover, recently, scientists compared the diets of the two groups of women - One group ate meat, El Otro, however, no Siquiera Having piece of meat. And what happened? I turned both consume almost the same amount of fat. The difference was two percent for the second group. Search results Cooking forms of food cause high fat consumption. Try to avoid meat, fats become vegetables, fry.
meat fat percentage

Meanwhile, the Under-third of all women suffer from anemia - lack of iron in the body. They son who shall monopolize more meat.

You must Entender any regime based on the total exclusion of any product can not be considered healthy.

Meat should be an essential component of nutrition as poultry and fish. The reason is that the meat contains a very useful combination of amino acids, vitamins and components as rare as zinc, which plays the role of the  in the extra secretion of sex hormones. We must also remember that meat, like any other product, the quality may be different. Diet based on low-quality meat, No Better Than diet with a complete absence thereof.

It is necessary to eat meat, staying within limits. Do not include meat at every meal. Twice did the dialogue enough, included in a more intense training.

What Could Replace Meat ? best tips !!

How to Plan Meals Without Meat

Any beginner to a meatless diet will be overwhelmed face a new challenge found to find an adequate substitute for meat, a former base said goodbye and the goodbyes are always difficult. In this case, first, it will be extremely difficult planning meals without meat.
Meals Without Meat

Here are a few tips:

First, the common side dishes should be strengthened. 
Second, use the grains to fool the eye and please the palette.
Finally, add a little spice to get cheeky. With the right approach, you can plan meals without tasting the meat lonely.

riz replace meatMost meat meal consists mainly of side dishes, maybe , and, of course, meat. So, now that the meat is
gone, the connections that are commonly remain and could not use a little creativity to make these connections can provide a satisfactory flavor with balanced nutrition, all without meat. For example, you can add a different texture of the traditional rice by adding diced, chopped cabbage or sliced, white or red. You now have color, flavor and texture.

beans replace meatAnother great substitute for meat is beans. Not only provide variety due to the large number of grains of different available worldwide. They also offer the versatility and adaptability. Beans can be modified to take many shapes and textures. In addition, beans give you the protein found in meat. An example of the variety of beans is that you can crush the cooked beans to create a paste. Seasonings and natural herbs can be added to any desired flavor. This pasta flavors can then be formed into a burger and fries in a light oil crispy sesame. The final product is a hamburger beans to compete with all beef patty on the market.

The right sauce with good dough makes perfect meal without meat. combined whole grain pasta with any exotic sauce with thick reinforced vegetables such as mushrooms, squash and eggplant dish is a tasty meatless. In fact, a Portobello fungus can be dipped in honey and then shredded fried bread. The fried mushroom slices can be served with a spicy sauce of any flavor you want. This particular fungus shows a good replacement for the famous fried steak. How about a curry sauce with mushrooms with a hint of ginger on whole grain pasta? Who needs meat?

The confusion of the variety and taste of their meals without meat is the key to staying committed to a meatless diet. Now that the meat is no longer a part of the dinner menu, turning to food to fill the entire gap. The flavor and nutritional value of whole foods them an ideal substitute for meat are. You can replace the nutritional value of beef garnished with whole foods such as beans and legumes. You add the red cabbage for rice, hamburgers mold a curry of red kidney beans, or creating a mushroom sauce with red wine, you can plan a meal without meat. See this useful video 

Favourite Healthy Vegan Recipes

Meal Without Meat

  • Read ALL About 

  • Healthy Meals Without Meat

  • 5   Best Articles 

1-   What Could Replace Meat ? best tips !! 

2-  Three Famous healthy Sandwich Recipes                  without Meat 

3-  Life Without Meat

4-  Eat Healthy Without Meat

5-  Why You May Want To Avoid Eating Meat

Healthy spicy food ? let's know more

Health impacts of spicy food :

People tend to think that spicy foods cause ulcers, heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders, but actually there is no real evidence to support. If you have this effect on you, it is likely that only a sensitivity which, like others can have dairy products, fatty foods, etc. 
In fact, there is growing scientific evidence that spicy foods are good for you, can help you consume fewer calories by reducing cravings for sweet / salty / fatty; increase calorie burning by increasing the temperature perceived heart of your body;  has beneficial effects on cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels; and, surprisingly, reduce the production of stomach acid.
Spicy Food
It is widely accepted that the notion of eating spicy food is bad for health, but many lovers of spicy food will disagree and say that eating hot food have not hurt yet. It has been a topic of debate for many years and now even the medical community has agreed that some hot food ingredients are actually good for health. But we can not forget the fact that no food is magical and balanced diet is very important.

Capsaicin, which is usually a part of almost all spicy food has health benefits. Other ingredients like turmeric, mustard seeds and coriander appearing on spicy food in parts of the world also have additional health benefits. One of the most accepted claims is that these ingredients promote sweating in the body, open the sinuses and encourages expectoration, so many people recommend eating the spicy food cold.

Some studies have suggested that spicy food is very good for the brain. People who indulge in eating food s are less likely to develop degenerative brain i their later years. Food S also contributes to depression and migraine. By eating spicy food, you can also have an increased metabolism which helps food processing faster and ultimately help you lose weight.
Some even believe that S. food aid in the management of pain. internal inflammation can be cured quickly if you eat hot food. Spicy food also increases blood circulation in the body and for people with low blood pressure, can be used a supplement for the management of blood pressure.

spicy food fight cancer
spicy food fight cancer 
Scientific studies show that even regular consumption of chilies and curry, the risk of cancer is
reduced. Capsaicin growth of cancer cells slows down and in some cases kills cancer cells without harming other good cells. In countries like India and Mexico where the food is generally high in spices, it has been observed that people tend to have lower rates of some cancers.

An Australian researcher has found that people who indulge in eating food s have no trouble sleeping and fall asleep easily. They have more energy throughout the day.

Although the benefits of the food you eat s are many people with a sensitive stomach should be more careful and moderate eating spicy foods. S food is especially appreciated by many people because it increases the flavor of food. Many cultures around the world have spicy dishes to stimulate and excite your taste buds. These spicy ingredients add heat and flavor to your daily meal to enjoy. But remember too much of anything can be harmful and can have side effects. Therefore, be careful and stay healthy.

Harmful Effects of Spicy Food

  1. Insomnia: Like eating spicy food kicks your metabolism, it can be bad if you want to get a good sleep night after eating. spicy food consumption raises your body temperature and speeds up your metabolism, which can make it difficult for your body to slow down and drift into a restful sleep.
  2. Skin Effects: harmful effects on the skin can be caused by hot peppers if, during preparation or before eating, are processed without using adequate protection of the hand. The highest is some type of chili accounts Scoville scale thermal units, more likely to cause skin irritation or burns when the gross manipulation. If you do not want your hands irritated by capsaicin and prevent them from swollen and painful, wear gloves when cutting hot peppers. If your hands come into contact with raw peppers, wash hands immediately with vegetable oil, then water and soap or milk to remove capsaicin.
  3. Effects On Stomach Health: Eating spicy food is said to increase acid secretion in the stomach over a period can damage the linings of the stomach.

Healthy fastfood breakfast Tips

Healthy breakfast, energetic body, better day 
Breakfast is important-fuel your morning and can help keep hunger at bay so you do not overdo it at lunch. Despite making breakfast at home is ideal, you have more control over the ingredients and you can ensure you have a healthy balanced diet, there are times when you need or want to have breakfast on thumb. Many popular fast food restaurants now offer breakfast sandwiches, which prompted me to study the healthier options (and less healthy).
 Next time you run to the door in the morning without eating something, consider this: Skipping breakfast can set you up for overeating during the day. A healthy morning meal, however, can give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and lay the foundation for intelligent decisions throughout the day.
I'm in Hurry  
hurry breakfast
Hurry breakfast
One of the most common questions people ask me is "What should I eat for breakfast?" The breakfast is a difficult area, because most of us are usually in a hurry. They want to eat some something strong, fast and healthy. in this article, I have compiled a list of healthy breakfast ideas, which should inspire you to start your day! Some of these ideas are ideal for "on-the-go" and others are good for a weekday morning so slow at home with the family.
Start by smoothie
Smoothies are a great choice if you are in a hurry. You can store fruit bags and frozen vegetables in the freezer, add a little water or 100% juice, nuts or yogurt, I throw in the blender, then take it with you in a cup of coffee covered.

smoothie chokolate breakfast
smoothie chokolate breakfast
smoothie breakfast
smoothie breakfast


Eggs are an excellent choice for breakfast. Eggs provide protein and choline. There are several ways to solve them, and if you do not have time to cook in the morning to make boiled eggs the night before. Kiddos can get eggs from the refrigerator in the morning. Add some fruit, yogurt, or juice to help make a balanced meal.
Favorite source of protein for breakfast is eggs.  

Fresh fruit

healthy fresh fruitFresh fruit is a great choice for a side item for breakfast. Just wash the fruit and hand it out. Kids can eat the fruit at the table or take it with them if they need to leave for school before they finish. And, of course, fruit has so many vitamins and minerals they help make any breakfast nutritious.

Yogurt, Juice & Milk

yagurt breakfastYogurt It helps add dairy, protein, and probiotics which can keep your kiddo's immune system functioning well. A cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein, important for a sense of satisfaction after a meal. Protein helps build strong bones, muscles and immune factors, and is essential to all cells of our body. But most Americans tend to have very little protein during the day, especially at breakfast, which leads to gnaw at 10 am feeling hunger.1Milk also has nine essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium and vitamin D, nutrients that the USDA says Americans do not get enough. Milk is also a good source of vitamin A high quality, magnesium, phosphorus and various vitamins B.
milk breakfast
Milk breakfast
Get these vitamins and minerals early morning means you have a jump start on their nutrient needs for the day. Studies show that those who eat cereal and milk for breakfast regularly receive more nutrients they need that they do not

 The best juice has only juice and water for ingredients, so make sure to made a natural juice.
breakfast natural juice
Breakfast natural juice

cold cereal
Cold cereal

Cold Cereal 

  Cereal is a good choice for breakfast because it's fast and easy. If choosing cereal for breakfast, find one that is low in sugar so that your child doesn't have a sugar crash while testing. Also, giving something else such as juice or fruit on the side or adding some flax seed or chia seed to the cereal will add more nutrients and protein to this breakfast staple.


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 What is your best mela for the breakfast  when you are in hurry ?


Healthy food to eat at night

 You find here the best explanations and solutions ,so you need to read this article carefully.
healthy night snacks
Healthy night snacks

Imagine browsing your favorite late night forum, when the unmistakable sound of a hungry stomach fills the specified room. There are many reasons why we can get a craving for food in the middle of the night. While it may be caused by boredom, things like dehydration, lack of proteins and real hungry after an early dinner, partly to blame.
A common misconception is that eating after a certain time of the day is "bad", and the sandwiches late at night is one of the culprits that can lead to weight gain. After all, fewer calories are burned when we sleep. So instead of being used for energy, night calories will be stored as fat, right? Not necessarily.
healthy choices food
Healthy choices food

The truth is that the body burns calories throughout the day. It is true that you burn more calories while you are awake, the focus is on the total amount of calories you eat throughout the day, not necessarily their time. If you like an ice cream dish a day, at 7 am or 11:14 p.m. Hours - whatever the weather. What matters is whether those calories are beyond what you should consume each day. So while the late night snacks can not be as bad for your waistline as they may have thought of all snack foods are not created equal.Unfortunately, later in the evening and early morning hours, often to thank you convenience. Although there are available nutritious choices, they tend to make poor decisions when we are too tired and too hungry. Many times these "convenience" sandwiches are rich in fat and sugar and low in nutrients. To prevent the derailment of a healthy diet in the night, focus on the manufacture of some of these healthier options.Make healthy choicesFirst, you eat late at night should be more of a "mini-meals" with a defined start and finish, rather than grazing sense. Dietary foods also tend to have higher amounts of protein the traditional food of tapas. the protein will be more filling than sugary or starchy foods, leaving less likely to attack the kitchen again an hour later.Furthermore, since dehydration is one of the main leaders of wishful thinking, start drinking a little water when I get hunger pangs in the middle of the night. If you are dehydrated, the water will satisfy the hunger you feel. Avoid drinking coffee or other drinks containing caffeine. If drinking water still leaves you hungry, head to the kitchen and prepare healthy snacks.ideas of mini meals midnight

  •     Small bowl of cottage cheese low fat and fresh or canned fruit 
  •     A string cheese and a piece of fresh fruit or whole grain crackers
  •     A small cup of edamame
  •     A handful of nuts
  •     A small whole wheat pita with hummus
  •     Half a turkey sandwich
  •     celery sticks or apple slices with peanut butter
  •     A small can of tuna 3 ounces of whole grain crackers
  •     A small bowl of whole grain cereal with low-fat or 1% fat milk

This is list of best healthy food to eat at night :


healthy eating tuna-salad

healthy eating grain-crackers
healthy eating handful-mixed-nuts


healthy food Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad
healthy eating celery-stick

If you are a night consistently griddle, dedicate a small area in your refrigerator for snacks at night and have some healthy options prepared in advance in hand. So when hunger strikes, you'll be ready and less tempted to take advantage of alternative less healthy snacks.

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healthy eating activities for kids ! Ten tips

healthy foof kids
"Healthy" and "food" rarely go together. While it will always be difficult to marry the two systems, it is possible to achieve a balance. Face it, our children like this kind of food. They are really tasty. However, things that make it tasty generally unhealthy. What is a parent must do is to fast foodmenus match the nutritional needs of your child on the basis of the pyramid of infant feeding.

variety food kids
Variety food
1. Variety may be the key to getting your kids to eat more nutritious foods.

Children may get tired of the taste of things very easily, so if it is used all the time, then chances are your kids will not eat. Try to use different things as often as possible, the more things your child is open for lunch, then the more nutrition you can get. Take a look at the base of your child, remember that the more color there is more variety and more sources of nutrients are present.

drink healthy
Drink healthy
2. Drinks healthy should be your first choice in terms of giving your child fluids.

Kids love sweet drinks as instant or canned juices and soda. These contain empty calories and do just that their children are too energetic without giving them health benefits. The water should be given as often as possible and if your child really wants her juice juice of fruit or vegetable give.

eat in moderation
Eat in moderation

3. Eat in moderation.
All that is in excess is bad for the body, fog, especially if it is unhealthy foods. Teach your child to listen to your body and eat as it needs. Do not force your child to finish everything on your plate all the time, because it will allow you to ignore your body's signal when it is full. This can eventually lead to overeating and obesity in the future.

4. Less is more, in particular as regards the consumption of salt.

Unless your child brings, the more your body will benefit. Your child can be very easily consume more than your recommended salt due to the daily junk food intake. Change for foods that are low in sodium. Remember that low-sodium does not necessarily mean that less of it, so make sure that what you get is called "less".

5. Choose the good cholesterol.

A healthy heart is something you definitely want your kids to have. You can help your children get this by ensuring they eat good cholesterol. Use canola oil for cooking and avoid overheating of the oil. When food is purchased, check the label to see whether it contains a lot of saturated fat which can be unhealthy.
the good cholesterol
The good cholesterol

6. The fiber is a very important part of the diet 
fiber food
Fiber food
of any person, including children.

often fails to give our children enough fiber, but we really should, because it can help cleanse the body and provide important nutrients. You can also help your child feel full and stay feeling full so that you do not feed too.

7. Regular meals are another important item to have your children to eat healthy.

Skipping meals will not only make your child loses on important nutrients, but also changes the metabolism of a nutrition program and body. Make sure your child eats breakfast to get energy from for the day.

8. Tease food for their children.
Fun food
Fun food

Each meal should not be a battle to the table. If you're in big trouble then more food that your children will have a food aversion. Try to find ways to involve your children and do all the preparation process of the food fun to eat.


 9. Do not watch TV during meals.
Do not watch TV during meals
Do not watch TV during meals

Many parents allow their children to watch TV while eating, causing the child to lose focus on what they do. Instead of paying attention to your food and enjoy your meal end up watching more television. This can also give your child's problems with digestion because they can not receive chew food.

10. healthy snacks and timing of grazing.

Many children eat all day and end up having no appetite for a full meal, as they are already quite complete. If your child eats junk food, then it becomes even more of a problem because it takes into empty calories. Try to limit grazing by programming an appropriate time snack between meals. If your child is hungry near food, sometimes they give him something light like a cookie so that it is not filled and not whet your appetite. In addition, they make it a point to give their children healthy food so that even if eaten between meals, they always get something nutritious.